Cargo bridge level 21, Port of Novorossiysk - Wikipedia

Cargo bridge level 21

Containers import still imposible? Ports of Ukraine. The elevator was the most modern of its time and best equipped in the world, in capacity it yielded only to the one in Chicago.

The Tsemes Bay allows deep-draft vessels up to 19 m, and the inner harbour up to Bulk liquid cargo oil and oil products constituted a major part of the yearly turnover , thousand tons , followed by 37, thousand tons of dry cargo and , TEU containers. The Port of Novorossiysk mainly handles grain, coal, mineral fertilizers, timber, oil and oil products, containerized, food, and general cargo.

In the total turnover amounted to The territory is separated into several areas: three cargo terminals East, West, and Central , a passenger area and the Sheskharis oil harbour. To defend these newly acquired territories the government fortified the coastline with numerous forts and strongholds.

Among them was the fortress in Sujuk, founded on 12 September On 14 January , it received the name Novorossiysk a derivative of recently acquired territories by a special order of state Minister of War. In the port handled foreign mainly Turkish vessels with various cargo — leather, cotton threads, tobacco, crockery, fruit, vegetables, and sugar. Russian vessels delivered construction supplies, salt, and wine. Rye, wheat, butter, salo , honey, and highland merchandise were exported. First warehouses were built from local worked stone.

At that time, Novorossiysk was separated from Krasnodar Krai and other rich provinces, thus it was excluded from major trade on the Russian market. In Alexander II issued a royal decree, appointing a committee to research and locate proper sites for new sea ports at the Black Sea coast.

In the committee reported that because of the strong bora winds the Tsemes Bay could serve as the main port, thus it was advised to be used for the construction of a cabotage port. Several alternative projects were offered but never implemented. The construction site located at the North-West part of the Tsemes Bay, less imposed to strong winds. The project included building miscellaneous facilities — a breakwater with a light-house at the South-West side, wharfs, utility railroads, bridges, paved roads, 2 track cranes, lighting and water supply.

The infrastructure for personnel included a canteen, a kitchen, hospitals, workshops, and barracks. In the plan, overall budget and working conditions were approved by the Special Committee on Commercial Ports. A short time before the railroad conjunction between the port and Novorossiysk had been put into operation.

The enterprise entered the cement market with raw materials from recently discovered Novorossiysk marl pits. In general, private capital played a major part in Novorossiysk Port development. For instance, Vladikavkaz Railway Society investments reached 15 mln roubles, twice more than the total value of all Novorossiysk industrial objects. Later, under Bolshevik control the port was nationalized. In — it made a significant impact on food supplies to the victims of severe famine in Volga Region.

That contribution was honoured with an Order of the Red Banner of Labour. The infrastructure and total cargo turnover recovered gradually.

While in the turnover was only 16 mln thousand tons, by it grew to 1. In the Port of Novorossiysk doubled the pre-war grain shipment amount, then during the Second Five-year Plan it doubled the total turnover.

Some wooden berths were replaced with reinforced concrete, a new harbor basin was constructed for cabotage fleet, an embankment and an ice-box were added. It comprised 4 loading areas, import and cement docks, a cabotage area and the West Embankment There were 41 operating berths with a total length of 4.

In , the NSP handled vessels and processed thousand tons of cargo. Upon the outbreak of World War II the port served for evacuation, shipped ammunition and weapons to the battle front line.

The bravery and courage of the port workers were acknowledged and honoured with state medals. By only one berth of all NSP facilities remained intact. However, the complete reconstruction was finished only in The latter is located at the front Penay range marker 35 m above sea level, providing direct visual of Novorossiysk bay.

Youzhnaya Ozereevka secures observation of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium in operational responsibility area and its approaches. The mentioned RTPs detect vessels at a range up to 15—20 miles, determine coordinates, velocity, and direction. In case of possible emergency all obtained data is sent to the Central VST operator and other vessels within range. In —31 the very first terminal for timber export was put into operation at the port of Novorossiysk, comprising warehouses, log yards, and special berths.

As soon as in —41 the company was shut along with a complete cease of foreign trade via NSP. By a new timber yard was opened at the Port of Novorossiysk.

The state company, managed by Glavsnables General Directorate for Wood and Timber Supply , handled hardwood timber deliveries from Romania. In the following years, the terminal capacity grew rapidly. By the Timber Port covered It was equipped with 30 various cranes portal, frame, tower, railway, etc.

Then it began operating as a diverse harbour, handling various cargo. The first container terminal was launched in According to an order of Sovnarkom, the first major shipyard was launched at the Port of Novorossiysk in the Spring of All the facilities, previously engaged in berths and equipment maintenance plus locomotive shed and railway slip at the Eastern slope of the Tsemes Bay , were merged into united port workshops.

In the s these workshops were expanded and upgraded to dockage facilities, by August growing into a shipyard. Upon the outbreak of the World War II two floating drydocks were transferred from Odesa , NSP workers engaged in military fleet maintenance and arming civilian vessels, while the factory refocused on defense items.

When the main part of the town was captured by enemy troops, some workers joined the partisans , others were evacuated. The NSP factory was destroyed during the fights, the reconstruction started only in September , when the town was liberated. By January new railway slip was built, in April of the same year the ton floating drydock was raised and reconstructed.

The enterprise reached full capacity by Further expansion and modernisation of Novorossiysk Shipyard started in the s when the enterprise got new foundry, mechanical, and galvanizing workshops.

In the factory opened a ton floating drydock. By the s new facilities for heavy cargo vessels extended total shipyard area from In Novorossiysk Shipyard launched the largest drydock of 60, tons capacity, enabling the facility to serve all civil and military vessels of the Russian fleet. Upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union number of orders on ship repair significantly reduced, therefore the enterprise refocused on processing metal cargo, then switched to lumber and rolling cargo.

Nobel brothers and the Rothschilds launched oil transfer at the Port of Novorossiysk.

Cargo bridge level 21

The Nobels managed numerous facilities at NSP, such as oil storages, a meter long pipeline, a discharge jetty for tank cars, pumps, and a berth handling vessels of deadweight up to 1.

In Russian Standard opened the first oil refinery plant in Russia, three years later adding a meter pipeline from Ilsky production fields.

Cargo bridge level 21

Russian Standard covered an area to the East from the Vladikavkaz Railway and constructed a meter dock for oil and oil-related products. In , after the nationalisation of oil enterprises, oil export became a valuable source of foreign exchange revenue for the USSR.

In the s and s it was consistently high, but during the Second World War all the facilities were destroyed. The possibility of oil freight in Novorossiysk was reconsidered only in the s. The construction site was set near Sheskharis Cape at the Tsemes Bay coast, ranging from m to 40 m above sea level.

Upon completion total amount of tank fields reached 99, m3. The terminal received a breakwater with estimated wave load of 6.

The first vessel to be handled at berth No. At the same time a new tank field of thousand m3 capacity was launched in Grushevaya Balka area and connected to Sheckharis via meter tunnel through the Markotkh ridge. The slope tilt allowed the flow of oil and oil derivatives move down, passing through quality and quantity control points. In and BW treatment systems were put into operation, in the complex received a new pipeline for direct oil transportation from field tanks to vessels.

In the same year a deepwater berth was constructed, lateran automatic filling system was introduced. By Sheskharis annual cargo turnover reached 50 mln tons and the range of destinations expanded to 23 countries. In — total volume of Grushevaya tank fields reached 1. The terminal has 3 docks of meters total length.

Berth No. Berths No. Sheskharis oil terminal can simultaneously process 7 tankers. More than 20 wooden, stone and iron siloses were constructed for grain storage. At that time all handling processes like loading and drying were performed manually, requiring almost workers. To reduce workforce the agency decided to build a grain elevator.

The elevator comprised two side siloses, each including grain bins for 47, tons of grain, and stores high towers. In addition, the first in the world three-phase power plant was constructed nearby. The works started in and were finished in , a year later the elevator was put into operation. Electrification and automatization allowed to reduce staff down to 60 operators. The expenses reached 2,, roubles. The elevator was the most modern of its time and best equipped in the world, in capacity it yielded only to the one in Chicago.

It survived all wars of the 20th century and was closed only in The reconstruction started in —18, the edifice is planned to be turned into a modern exhibition complex. Delo business group was established in by Sergey Shishkarev , son of the port operational manager, it became the first private major stevedore company in NSP.

In the meantime, KSK was the third largest grain processing terminal in the same region. In November the holding issued public shares on the London Stock Exchange. In the Spring of Ziyavudin Magomedov and his elder brother former member of the Russian Federation Council Magomed were arrested on charges of building a criminal organization and fraud.

After it, VTB retained control of this company. Here oil is loaded into tankers and goes for export to the World markets. In my experiance the right click that Bufnitza mentions above does a pretty poor job at actually leveling the road. I try every trick in the book to have my roads as smooth as possible. But sometimes my eyes are bleeding when I see a massive kink in the tracks or in a road. I then literally want to smooth it out with my finger on the screen.

Also at the x-over from bridge to road sometimes there is an ugly hump causing vehicles to bump. Might be even after full release. Отредактировано MrKrabs ; 14 ч.

cargo bridge level 21 $1200

I get the impression that no matter how much care you take to try and ensure optimal road or track flatness it is when you are"riding"the vehicle can you then see the bumps in certain places. Heck, in RL they would be notorious accident black spots! I do not see that changing, but no it is not a big deal. In some situations it can even be humorous.

Отредактировано Vimes ; 12 ч. Yeah some bumps add flavor, if only the right click was allowing us to continue smoothing past first instance of "its buildable comrade!

Cargo bridge level 21

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